Mayhem, Deathrehearal, Demo, 1987, Second Wave Of Black Metal 0:3…

  • Chainsaw Gutsfuck – “If you don’t trust the lord then clap yo hands.” Incredibly poor quality...
  • Necrolust – …wall of noise…
  • Deathcrush – perhaps the most accomplished track of this rehearsal…
  • California Über Alles Mix (Dead Kennedy’s Cover) – …punk cover…
  • Mix – …rough-mix…
  • California Über Alles Mix (Dead Kennedy’s Cover) – …punk cover…
  • Necrolust – …slightly tighter version…
  • Witching Hour (Venom Cover) – …wall of noise again, ruins a Venom classic…
  • Chainsaw Gutsfuck – …cleaner version…
  • Deathcrush – …much improved…
  • Witching Hour (Venom Cover) –  …Sloppy version…

Recorded 17/01/87 and 18/01/87, Deathrehearsal is a demo by the Norwegian Black metal band , Mayhem released in 1987. The Demo was released on cassette and has poor quality. It was the rehearsals they completed with Sven Erik Kristiansen (Maniac), for their EP Deathcrush.

Maniac, Euronymous, Necrobutcher, Manheim.


Celtic Frost, I Won’t Dance, September 1987, First Wave XL

  • I Won’t Dance – …Black Metal with a hint of the Gothic, Avante-Garde-Gothic?
  • One In Their Pride – …throw away disco metal, the start of their fall?

I did taste their only dream, As denial was still unborn, Secrets beyond those dethroned walls,
And echoes of a martyr’s scream, Deterrent vibrates the allurements face, As my barque drowns toward conquest
Tom G.Warrior; Martin E.Ain; Reed St.Mark…

Bathory, 1984-1987, The Beast…

Bathory were one of the pioneers of the first wave of both black metal and Viking metal.

Formed in 1983 by Quorthan, Jonas Akerlund, and Frederick Melander, but didn’t come up with the name of the band until the recording of Scandinavian Metal Attack.

When Quorthon formed the band in 1983, his nickname was originally Black Spade. He soon changed it to Ace Shoot, then finally to Quorthon, a name he found in a list of demons.

They played only a few live shows (probably between 6 and 8) in the early days. Quorthon refused to play live ever since.

Their first three albums were the foundation of the Black Metal imprint, cold harsh production, a wall of sound, and thin production. No other formation band captured the blueprint for the fledgling Black Metal genre…Bathory continued to produce albums of note right up until Quorthon’s death in 2004, but these albums were in the Viking Metal genre that Bathory helped to create…

Black Masses

The role call of Black Metal groups, they have fallen in the name of the cvlt, they will not be forgotten & they may yet return:-

First Wave of Black Metal:

  • Mercyful Fate, 1981-1984, Satan…disbanded…
  • Venom, 1981-1987, False Prophet
  • Bathory, 1984-1987, The Beast…
  • Slayer, 1981-1985, fell from the cvlt…
  • Hellhammer, 1982-1984, bastard child…
  • Possessed, 1984-1985, Death Metal pioneers…
  • Destruction, 1983-1986, one of the ‘Big Four’ of German Thrash…
  • Onslaught, 1983-1986, pioneers of UK Thrash…
  • Sodom, 1983-1986, obsessed by cruelty…
  • Kreator, 1984-1986, Blackened Death Metal…
  • Vulcano, 1983-1986, Devil on my roof…
  • Sarcófago, 1986-1987, split…

Bathory, Under The Sign Of The Black Mark, May 1987, First Wave XXXIX

  • Nocturnal Obeisance – …atmospheric intro, chills the spine..
  • Massacre – …blistering Black Metal tour-de-force
  • Women Of Dark Desires – …hypnotic Black Metal, clean “Women of dark desires…”
  • Call From The Grave – strange noises feature in intro, typical frost fronted screams…
  • Equimanthorn – …”Grant me the powers of thunder, And give me a sword forged in the raging Hell’s fire, Lend me the eight legged black stallion of Odin and I’ll have my vengeance, Oh, I’ll kill with desire”…
  • Enter The Eternal Fire – Venomesque in the use of melody and the thunderbass, a slower track…
  • Chariots Of Fire – …”Over the skyline, Approaching at high speed, Objects of flames reaching higher, Crossing the sky at Hell’s pace”…
  • 13 Candles – …”Born a child of the underworld, The fire and flame”…
  • Of Doom – …thunderous outgoing track…

“Down the vast hills in morning mist cold, Into the peaceful deep valley below.
Two thousand stallions foaming with hate, Carrying their masters towards their fate
Into the battle they ride, Two thousand men too young to die.
Massacre… “
, Quorthon, Paul Lundberg…

Coming Soon…………….

Second Wave Of Black Metal…

Master’s Hammer – The Ritual Murder (1987)

Mayhem – Deathcrush (1987)

Tormentor – The 7th Day Of The Doom (1987)

Mayhem – Deathcrush (1987)

KAT – Heavy Hell & Metal (1988)

Celtic Frost – Sound Waves (1988)

KAT – Power Metal – Heavy Metal From Benelux (1988)

End Of The First Wave Of Black Metal…

Samael – Into The Infernal Storm Of Evil (1988)

Rotting Christ – Leprosy Of Death (1988)

Samael – Macabre Operetta (1988)

The TMB Review: Celtic Frost, To Mega Therion, 1985

To Mega Therion (‘The Great Beast’), starts with a slow dirge like introduction. Riffs are played over brass instruments to create an almost film score doom track. Innocence And Wrath has no vocals but the composition catches the attention. The Usurper is a more typical mid tempo thrasher, Tom G.Warrior’s signature grunts are apparent and the riffing and subtle time changes are satisfying. The female vocals are discordant and take one by surprise, a track with very noticeable Black Metal traits. Jewel Throne is a chugger and is almost melodic until the time change at the half way point where it becomes more alive, the playing far more technical. The solo is divine. Dawn Of Meggido begins the Avante-Garde trait that Celtic Frost will make there path, the riffing and percussion sound wholly different to what has come before, vocals sit back in the mix, brass instruments are in effect and lend an epic feel, it all breaks down in the last third…

Eternal Summer has us back to thrashing, but in the Celtic Frost way, intense yet melodic, the guitars tuned to a sound that many thrash bands will try to emulate. Percussion is truly outstanding by Reed St.Mark. A classic, Circle Of The Tyrants is a track that cannot be over stated in it’s influence on Black Metalweird time signatures, vocal effects, intense thrashing and the main riff’s twisted violence, awesome…

(Beyond The) North Winds is pure Black Metal and is both intense and hypnotic, Tom G.Warrior’s vocals and riffs tightly supported by Steiner and Reed. Fainted Eyes contains some weird bass vocalisations and is by all intents and purposes a proto Blackened Death Metal track, very technical and very intense and brutal.

Tears In A Prophets Dream is pure Ambient Black Metal and is so far ahead of its time it is understandable that it was so misunderstood. Necromantical Screams is more easily digested, yet still retains ambient flavors. Horst Müller’s production in 1985 is sublime, clear and epic. 

Celtic Frost were one of the first metal bands to actively mix genres, and yet still produce extreme music. Their initial forays into Avant-Garde Black Metal and Ambient Black Metal were astonishing, not to mention their Death Metal traces and Post-Black Metal hints and ideas. They can possibly be the band that started multiple waves through the underground that only surfaced many years later in multiple sub-genres.


Venom, 1980-1987, The False Prophet…

Venom…where to start, the inventors of the term Black Metal. The band that laid the footprint with their blasphemous lyrics and their mission to shock. But their deception was it being only a gimmick to sell records, so we shall deem them The False Prophet as they deceived us all…

Still, ask many a Black Metal band to name their influence and they will list Venom as a major player…

With Venom’s split the First Wave was coming to an end.

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